Sintanni Parfums Mission Statement

Sintanni Parfums creates bold American luxury perfume with the most creative concepts at a price that provides great value to our customers, using massive amounts of the best-quality natural materials sourced from around the world.

Our core values are:

UNPARALLELED VALUE FOR OUR CUSTOMERS - We price our products based on our cost, not how much markup we want.  Notice how all of our products have individual pricing.  Compare us to other brands who price all of their products the same to maximize profit.  We believe you should simply pay a fair price and thus, we hope you will come back for more.

WORLD-CLASS INGREDIENTS - Your Sintanni fragrance will contain the largest quantity of expensive and rare absolutes, oils and resins of the finest quality possible.  While many of our competitors use very little naturals to save money, we push the amount used to massive levels.  This is why our fragrances smell like no other.

CREATIVITY - We create unique fragrances, period.  We want to push boundaries to give you the excitement of something new.  We will never copy other brands just to make money.  Our customers want to smell unique and this is our strength.

TRANSPARENCY - Unlike most other houses throughout history, perfume has been shrouded in secrecy.  At Sintanni, we have nothing to hide so we reveal all of our amazing natural materials, like natural oud that can cost $150,000 or even $300,000 per kilo.  Other brands tell you notes, but that doesn't mean it contains the real thing.  We tell you exactly what naturals you are getting along with the notes.

NO ARTIFICAL COLORS - You won't find a blue or pink fragrance from Sintanni.  The shade of our fragrances are their natural colors from all of the rich materials they contain.  Just look at each ingredients label and unlike many brands, you will never see "CI 14700 (RED 4)" for example, which is a petroleum-based red cosmetic dye.  Natural is always more beautiful and interesting.