How Sintanni Parfums are Made

How Sintanni Parfums are Made

Sintanni Parfums are 100% handmade by Andrew Hugg, who performs every step of production... from concept, to formula creation, bottle design, box design and manufacture, and even filling the bottles by hand.  This ensures that for your hard-earned money, you get an amazing perfume that has been put through rigorous quality controls at every step. There is no automation at any step of production.


Andrew gathers inspiration which are the stories of each perfume from any source... places around the world, people, moments, feelings, and emotions.  The first draft of the formula is written, a trial is made and worn, and then changes are made.  How many changes that are made and how long this takes is unknown.  This could take 45 modifications and 5 years as with Ghosts of Prague. Only when it is ready will it be released.


Andrew creates his fragrances from a palette of just over 500 materials.  These materials range from ultra-high quality and expensive naturals such as oud, rose otto, jasmine absolute and even real ambergris. The palette also contains nature identical single molecules like linalool or phenyl ethyl alcohol which are found in many naturals such as rose and narcissus.  In addition, he uses the many exciting man-made synthetics available today, which give modern perfumes their uniqueness, transparency and long-lasting power.  Using only naturals would result in a blocky, impenetrable, heavy scent which would be considered harsh by most modern customers who are accustomed to today's lighter perfumes.

Some of the materials we mentioned cost more than gold.  Oud comes from the agar tree grown in Asia.  The tree is damaged and a resin produced by the tree to fight the invading bacteria leaves this incredibly rich smelling black wood, which is removed and distilled.  Oud is highly sought after in the Middle East for not only perfumes but to be burnt as incense. So much so that there is a major shortage in the past few years which drove the price to over $150,000 per kilo and even higher for some more rare oud oils.  Rose and jasmine and other florals are also incredibly expensive as it takes thousands of flowers to make just a small amount of oil, otto, concrete, or abosolute.


Once the perfume formula is finalized, Andrew will make a batch that will eventually reach you.  This requires each material in the formula, usually totaling between 35 and 50 separate materials, to be weighed out with extreme precision (0.001 grams tolerance) to ensure each bottle from batch to batch are identical.

The perfume has a few chemicals added that aid your skin by preventing the alcohol carrier from drying it out, then some preservatives to prevent oxygenation of the expensive naturals, and even a sunscreen for your skin.  This final undiluted perfume is called the concentrate and we allow it to mature in a cool, dark place for around 2 weeks.  Then the alcohol is added and this breaks down the concentrate into individual molecules ready to be sprayed on your skin.  The heat from your skin evaporates the alcohol, leaving only the aroma molecules for you to enjoy.

Making the world's most creative and luxurious perfume takes a lot of time and is hard work.  But we do it because we love it and we just want you to love our collection also.

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